I was looking into using GPS (Global Positioning System) Using great application on my iPhone called trails. I will post more details on that in the future. But one of the tips opened up a whole set of new ideas.
See http://trails.lamouroux.de/geotag-photos-using-iphone-trails.html
But what was marvelous to discover was most modern electronic equipment has a fairly accurate clock. Often this results in a time being recorded. For example when you take a photo, when you record a sound, send a message or create a task. the particular tip suggested using a GPS to track your location, then after the event you can see exactly where you were at a given time, when you review your photos you can see exactly where you were at that time you took each photo. This Time code is the connecting piece of data. In the tip it showed how to add this GPS location to the actual photo data.
If you think about it you can see that this is a rather powerful tip. Forget Wireless and blue-tooth and all those special connections to link two tools together use the time as the synchronizing value.
I will post more ideas on this once I get some into practice.